Saturday, October 28, 2023 | 5:30 pm at Delta Hotels by Marriott Victoria Ocean Pointe Resort
The Greater Victoria Sports Hall of Fame is set to celebrate the induction of seven individual inductees including Jamie Ackinclose (athlete - para soccer), Susan Butt (athlete - tennis), Jim Cain (builder - lacrosse), Ron Greene (builder - volleyball), Andy Hebenton (athlete - hockey), Jim Hubbard (builder - multi-sports) and Helena Myllyniemi (coach/builder - archery). There is limited seating. Admission is $135 per person (includes $50 tax receipt).
Purchase your inductee event ticket
Need accomodation? Book via the GVSHoF group rate at the Delta Hotels VIctoria OCean Pointe Resort for $269-329 CAD per night on Oct. 28-29. Last day to book is Sept. 28, 2023.