Norm Baker, as a sixteen year old, led the Victoria Dominoes basketball team to a victory over the Harlem Globetrotters. Their originator, the legendary Abe Saperstein, called Norm "one of the greatest natural players I have ever seen." In 1950 he was named Canada's basketball player of the half-century and later that year he was the only non-US player selected to the Stars of the World team (the best pros and college players of the day) that toured Europe. Norm played four years as a pro in the old American Basketball Association including a contract with the Boston Whirly Birds, the forerunners of the Boston Celtics. His career included playing for the New Westminster 1947 Mann Cup national lacrosse team, four-time Canadian national champion Victoria Dominoes basketball team, and the national Air Force champion Pat Bay Gremlins. He is a member of the Canadian and BC Sports Halls of Fame.